Monday, May 9, 2011


The end of the year gave birth too three compositions each consisting of a few images I captured with a few different cameras. the series is supposed to represent the experience I have faced in the last six months and the growth that we all hope to reach by the ending of the course.  

This first one is a color photo of four monkeys. I felt like this encapsulates the feeling of a critique environment,very sustained and subdued with a hint visual captivity. 

Here with the second composition I have made a composite that was made from a combination from a roll of black and white film that I was able to feed through toy camera. The resulting exposures were a bit hazy and carried a dream-like quality to the mies-en-scene. This scene represents the exposure to the so called "big" city that is Memphis. 

This final arrangement was taken from a collection that was taken from a road trip that was taken thought the backwoods of Northwest Arkansas. The discovery of an old war aircraft base and what seemed like ghosts from a transition era in the countries history. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Indesign Projects

The first is a design that was made using works assigned by Dwayne Butcher.

The next photos are of my own work. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Logos Reworked

These are the logos that I reworked. Illustrator is kind of a difficult to get used to working with. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sample Animation from Class

This is just a silly attempt to animate. It was a bit difficult getting things to spin and grow. I think the cross fades that are standard when transitioning using Tween kinda throw me. I guess I just need to invest some times into getting everything just right.