Sunday, May 1, 2011

Indesign Projects

The first is a design that was made using works assigned by Dwayne Butcher.

The next photos are of my own work. 


  1. I don't know why but I kinda want to see the phrase "Jazz Hands" with the blue man hahaha

  2. this could be a little more interesting but it is alright. the second one is getting closer to right

  3. I think it would've been nicer to have something besides place holder text, especially on your own images and it wouldn't be that hard to find something to say about them

  4. The layout of the third image works quite nicely. The top image is interesting to look at because of the colorful images on top of white, the border around the page and the unconventional placement of the images. The one in the middle is a bit too jarring for me, and the two rogue images forming the diagonal seem out of place.

  5. These are nice. I wish there was a color scheme to the brochures. I really like the blue man in the violet room. Nice touch.

  6. I agree I get pulled into the 2nd more. I wish the other 2 had more visual pull
